Joining Brembo

Joining Brembo

Brembo offers professionals, recent college graduates and students’ unique opportunities in the company through hiring on permanent contracts, thesis projects and internships.

​At Brembo, the majority of professional profiles stem mainly from the hiring and professional development of graduates with a degree in engineering or economics, even in their first experience in the workforce, interested in developing their skills in an innovative, technologically advanced and rapidly growing environment.

If you are also ready to join Brembo, go to the Open Positions​ section and choose the position suited for you, or send us your spontaneous application. ​

Why choose Brembo?

A Group that grows with talented people, where passion and work meet

Why choose Brembo?

Brembo’s Lectures

Brembo's relationships with various universities and the main projects sponsored in the field of technical training

Brembo’s Lectures

Campus Recruiting

All the university events dedicated to graduates and undergraduates who want learn more about the opportunities available in Brembo

Campus Recruiting

Leaders' International Fast Track: Brembo’s International Graduate Program

Brembo’s graduate program lasts 27 months and includes 3 rotations, at least 1 rotation abroad, within and across functions at global level in an accelerated learning environment.

Leaders' International Fast Track: Brembo’s International Graduate Program